
Changing Lenses: The Power of Restorative Practices (Introductory)

Changing Lenses Seminar. Decorative image with eye-glasses and optometry chart
Length: 1 Hour
Recommended Pre-Requisite: None

This workshop is based on change. Changing our lenses on how we view students, school discipline policies, and the power of restorative practices to change lives. This is the perfect workshop for presenting the big picture of restorative practices.

Educators will examine school discipline policies that lead to the school-to-prison pipeline, the paradigm shift, restorative questions demonstration, an overview of restorative practices, including the 5Rs, how to change lenses, a look at California’s RP Paradigm Shift, and RP resources. The workshop includes Community Building and Dialogue Circles.

Educators will leave with an overview of how restorative practices have the power to change the lives of both students and staff.

Workshop Length: 1 hour