
7 Effective Guidance Techniques for Yard Supervisors or Campus Supervisors (Introductory)

Length: 1 Hour

This workshop engages educators in simple yet powerful strategies to guide students’ behavior. Guides include using a confident voice, redirection, positive language, avoiding methods that lead to loss of respect, defining limits and maintaining consistency, reinforcing directions, and being alert to the total situation. After each guide is presented, educators “practice” what they learned. This workshop offers a foundation for those newer to these roles and practice for those with more experience. Workshop Length: 1 hour

  • Are you relieved when certain students are absent?
  • Do you have students who “push your buttons”?
  • Do you find yourself butting heads with the same students day-after-day?

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11 Restorative Practices De-escalation Techniques for Navigating Power Struggles

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