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Marian’s Teaching Philosophy, Part 5: Multimodality Teaching & Learning Styles

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A multimodality teaching style is my teaching philosophy’s fifth piece. I display an innovative and refreshing teaching style by utilizing methods that engage visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic learners.

A big picture view

My teaching style begins by looking at the topic’s big picture. I research and gather content and ideas from sources beyond the textbook(s). Then I ask, what are the ways I can teach this content using different modalities? What are the best ways for students to demonstrate competence? I’m intentional in every teaching aspect.

I want students to understand multimodality teaching and how that benefits them. On the first day of class I actually teach on learning styles. Each course offers an optional learning styles inventory so students can determine their style(s). I also present Edgar Dale’s Cone of Learning (1969) that clearly depicts the differences between active and passive involvement.

Activities for different modalities

Each class is well planned, yet versatile and flexible. I develop a variety of activities using different modalities that best fit the class’ particular needs and interests. I incorporate various activities such as: self-reflection, journals, small and large group activities and discussions, brainstorming, problem solving, graphic organizers, video clips, role-playing, and hands-on projects that require student involvement and critical thinking skills.

When you’re learning something new, how do you learn best? I’d love to hear about your learning style. You can find surveys for children, adolescents, and adults. If you want to discover your learning style, here are some resources.

Diablo Valley College – Learning Style Survey This is the survey I’ve used with college students for many years. It is now online.

Learning Styles Inventory by Edmonds Community College…/LearningStyleInvThis site provides study tips for each learning style.

What’s Your Learning Style? 20 Questions…/learningstyles-quiz.shtml


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  • Are you relieved when certain students are absent?
  • Do you have students who “push your buttons”?
  • Do you find yourself butting heads with the same students day-after-day?

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