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Prevention Strategy #3: Offer Straightforward Explanations for Limits

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When students (and adults) understand the reasons or rationale for limits, they are more likely to comply. They may not like it, but at least they understand the reason. Teaching students the “why” of a limit helps them internalize and learn the rules of social living.

Offer Explanations

Here’s some examples. “The sand stays down low so that it doesn’t get into people’s eyes.” “When you put the balls back, students can find them when they want to use them.”

Incorrect Response:

Educator: “Pick up your trash.”

Student: “It’s not my trash. Why do I have to do it?

Educator:Because I said so.”

Correct Response:

Educator: “Oliver, please pick up the trash around your table.”

Student: “It’s not my trash. Why do I have to do it?

Educator:That’s a good question. I know that it’s not all your trash, but I’m asking different students each day to help clean up the area around them, so the table is clean for the third graders. Thanks for helping today,” and walk away expecting that Oliver will comply.

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  • Are you relieved when certain students are absent?
  • Do you have students who “push your buttons”?
  • Do you find yourself butting heads with the same students day-after-day?

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