
Samantha Tallon, M.S., LMFT #137293

Samantha Tallon
"Witnessing the impact of Restorative Practices continues to be a humbling experience. When embraced within a community or school campus, individuals learn principles of accountability and empathy, and develop skills to build, maintain, and repair relationships after harm has been done. The shift that occurs when we learn how to truly connect and restore relationships lends to positive behavioral changes, strengthened communities, and an environment of support, respect and improved learning."


  • Bachelor of Science – Human Services, University of Phoenix
  • Master of Science – Marriage, Family and Child Therapy, University of Phoenix

Background & Experience

  • Associate Marriage and Family Therapist with Youth for Christ, Family Concern Counseling providing services for families, couples, adolescents, and adults
  • School-based clinician services at elementary and secondary sites in Stanislaus County
  • Volunteer and mentor for incarcerated adolescents through the Youth for Christ, Juvenile Justice Program
  • Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools; Effective Use of Restorative Circles; Facilitate Restorative Justice Conferences; and Family Engagement & Empowerment, 4-Day Training by International Institute of Restorative Practices (IIRP)
  • Peer Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Fresno Pacific University

Contact:; Work: (209) 522-9568, ext. 128

  • Are you relieved when certain students are absent?
  • Do you have students who “push your buttons”?
  • Do you find yourself butting heads with the same students day-after-day?

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