
Portrait of a Yard Supervisor Professional (Introductory)

Portrait of a Yard Supervisor
Length: 1 Hour

Here’s a new workshop for our yard supervisors who work tirelessly with our elementary scholars. When parents and educators think of yard supervisors, they often think about recess. This workshop will include reasons why scholars need exercise, four key benefits of recess, and 10 supervision factors needed during recess. The yard supervisors will make recess connections to restorative practices. The workshop will feature ways of engaging scholars in recess as new laws ban removing scholar’s recess time. Finally, yard supervisors will create portraits of yard duty professionals based on workshop content. Workshop Length: 1 hour

  • Are you relieved when certain students are absent?
  • Do you have students who “push your buttons”?
  • Do you find yourself butting heads with the same students day-after-day?

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