
Coming 2024 The Ultimate Guide to Tier 2 Restorative Practice Strategies (Tier 2, Advanced)

Tier 2 Pyramid
Length: 1 Hour

Many educators tell us, “I’ve tried countless Tier 1 strategies, but the behavior hasn’t changed. What can I do?” “Most Restorative Practices currently being used in schools are MTSS Tier I or Tier III, leaving a gap in Tier II.”4 In Tier 2 of the restorative approach MTSS pyramid, unresolved misbehaviors and managing challenging behaviors are addressed. Action strategies will be shared so that educators leave equipped with strategies for working with scholars to resolve challenges between the educator and the scholar and the scholar and others. There are positive outcomes from helping our scholars restore relationships with others, as well as restoration for the individual. Workshop length: 1 hour

  • Are you relieved when certain students are absent?
  • Do you have students who “push your buttons”?
  • Do you find yourself butting heads with the same students day-after-day?

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