
Beyond Saying Sorry: Using Restorative Apologies with Your Children (K-6th) or Teens (7th-12th Grades) (Intermediate)

Do you know that some apologies can cause more harm than help? Why are these types of apologies ineffective? In this workshop parents/caregivers will connect restorative questions with potential apologies. Rather than just saying, “I’m sorry,” which is often not genuine, parents/caregivers learn how to help their children make a full apology. Full apologies usually have four parts: past, present, future, and forgiveness. The 4-part model is easy to learn and use at home. Available in Spanish.

  • Are you relieved when certain students are absent?
  • Do you have students who “push your buttons”?
  • Do you find yourself butting heads with the same students day-after-day?

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