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What’s New for Restorative Practices Educators?

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Are you implementing restorative practices (RP) at your school? Do you wish there was a book that explains RP to students? Are you thinking about RP ideas for the fall? Wait no longer. Three new books about RP in schools are scheduled for release over the next few months.

Book 1: RP for Students

What are you staring at?: A Comic About Restorative Justice in Schools is the first book I’ve discovered for students. Authors Pete Wallis and Joseph Wilkins wrote this book for 8 to 13 year olds (grade levels 3 – 8). Jake and Ryan get into a fight after a misunderstanding. Their teacher arranges a restorative meeting so the boys can hear each other’s side and resolve their anger and conflict.

What are you staring at

This books helps students understand restorative justice and prepare for a restorative meeting. The teacher’s resource section features information on restorative justice with a focus on respect and emotional literacy.

I’ve pre-ordered this 36 page hardcover book by Jessica Kingsley Publishers that releases May 19, 2016. I’m unsure if this book is appropriate for the older end of the age span but I can’t wait to read it.

Book 2: From Oakland Unified Teacher

The second book I’m looking forward to is Discipline Over Punishment: Successes and Struggles with Restorative Justice in Schools. Oakland Unified School District is a leader in restorative practices. Author Trevor W. Gardner explores the power of restorative discipline based on his extensive experiences as a veteran History and English teacher in San Franciso and Oakland.

As a follower of RP in Schools, Oakland is a key district. Educators can learn much about what works as well as warnings about what doesn’t work. I anticipate this book will add further information on implementing restorative practice in schools from an expert in the day-to-day trenches. This 148 page hardcover book by Rowman and Littlefield Publishers was released in 2016 (no image available).

Book 3: Overview of Restorative Justice in Education

The third new book should be an easy read as part of “The Little Book” series. The Little Book of Restorative Justice in Education: Fostering Responsibility, Healing, and Hope in Schools is part of the Justice and Peacebuilding series.

Little Book of Restorative Justice

Authors Katherine Evans and Dorothy Vaandering explain the growth of restorative justice in schools while providing activities, stories, and examples. quotes three equally important aspects of restorative justice in schools:

  • “creating just and equitable learning environments;
  • building and maintaining healthy relationships; and
  • healing harm and transforming conflict.”

This 122 page paperback was published by Good Books in 2016. This will be a great addition to my “Little Book” resources.

Perhaps these books will reignite your passion for restorative practices in schools. How can you use these books to change lives and impact your school’s culture? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  • Are you relieved when certain students are absent?
  • Do you have students who “push your buttons”?
  • Do you find yourself butting heads with the same students day-after-day?

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